Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is seasonal beer selection too damn much to ask?

Dear Beer Venues of the Twin Cities,

I know you try. Really. And I know you gotta do what's going to keep you in business, not what's going to make me personally happy. But you know, can we kinda plan for seasonal changes a bit? Not just with one tap, but maybe a few? And do "specials" always have to mean what Rate Beer goons think -- bigger, heavier, thicker, more alcoholic?

Case in point, just one of many.  It's hot.  Damn hot.  Currently (5 pm) 96 degrees F in St. Paul MN, with a dew point of 82 F, meaning -- according to my local weather guy -- that it "feels like" 120 F.  It's been like this for a while, will be for at least a while more.

With that in mind, here's a facebook update I got from one great local -- Bulldog Lowertown -- just two hours ago:

"Belgian Independence Week celebrations continue tonight with LaTrappe features including the limited Oak Aged Quad (batch 3)!"

Thanks guys...maybe I can sit at an outside table with that? I'll be a double jerk and complain it's served "too cold" and I can't taste it. But seriously, could we instead maybe celebrate one of the world's great beer cultures with a series of hard-to-get saisons, wits, or other seasonally appropriate beers?

Your pal,

PS sorry Bulldog - the heat's got me a bit cranky.  Just put that oak aged quad on ice for me willya?